
Showing posts from October, 2023

Love that consumes

  It was less than a year ago that I first saw her at a party. Akira. A tall, strong, brilliant, feisty, fiery woman. She was beautiful to the point that it would take my breath away if I stared at her for too long. My best friend, Ryan introduced her to me. I would have tried to overcome my shyness and at least considered asking her out, if only he hadn’t introduced her as his new girlfriend. I knew then that I would never have her. First of all, because a woman like her was clearly out of my league, as she dwarfed me in every department that counts. Second of all, her lover was my best friend, a man who had been more of a brother to me than a friend. Plus he was her equal in all things. A King worthy of a Queen. I never stood a chance. So, I decided to admire her from a distance. I would steal glances of Akira’s lovely face when no one was looking. If she ever asked me to hand her something I’d make sure our fingers would touch. I had to be careful though. I couldn’t let her even s

My sperm tried to kill me

 Until a month ago, my life was perfect. I was a regular dude bro who banged pussy (and more) left and right. I had no problems and a bitch certainly wasn’t one. But then I met  her . I met her in a bar. She was the hottest chick there that night. Average height, slim waist and a great rack. I could tell she was younger than me. Probably like early 20s. She looked like this was the first time she was in a bar. She seemed nervous and gave off a submissive vibe. Perfect. That’s exactly the kind of girls I like. Submissive and agreeable. Way better to work than those “StRoNg aNd InDePeNdEnT” bitches. I approached her, threw the usual lines at her and she and I ended up going to my place. What followed was a night of hot hot HOT sex. For someone who looked so innocent, she was pretty freaky in the sack. The next morning, she woke me up with a kiss. This is when I usually tell bitches to get lost, but she was so malleable and clearly wanted to please me. I decided to keep her around for a

Something wants me in the dark

Since the day I was born, something has been following me. This thing cannot be seen, nor felt, nor heard. Only it’s effects are visible by me. And me alone. My parents often joke about how when I was a kid, my presence was a jinx to light bulbs. When they first brought me home and placed me in my crib, the light bulb in that room went out. It had been functioning perfectly fine earlier, but hours after I came in, it went out. What’s really strange is that when they installed the same bulb in a different room, it lit up instantly. Something similar happened with candles. Once, during a blackout, our family placed candles in various rooms. The candle placed in my room kept getting put out, as if by an invisible rapid hand movement. Though these occurrences were strange, they weren’t frequent enough to set off any alarm bells for my parents and siblings. At least not for as long as I was a child. When I moved into my college dorm, the entity’s intentions became much more clear.

A child followed me home

I was really looking forward to visiting the Kurseong hill station in India. My friends Arjun, Sunita, Vijay and I had been planning this trip for quite some time. We had heard all about the haunted Dow Hill forest and wanted to see it for ourselves. Being the city dwellers we were, we made fun of the local superstitions and beliefs associated with that place and assumed that it was probably harmless. Just a spooky looking forest that had earned a bad reputation due to the overactive imagination of human beings. The myth that intrigued me the most was about the apparition of a headless child in Dow Hill forest. The local legend was that when walking along the path in the woods at night, you would sense a presence right behind you. But you mustn’t turn around. Because if you do, you would see the aforementioned headless child. And once you had seen him, your fate would be sealed. If you didn’t die of fright right there, this headless child would follow you for the rest of your life. I

My aunt's letters to her deceased son

 It was Saturday morning, around eight o clock. I was making breakfast when I received a text from my aunt, Marion. It was a request for me to come visit her as soon as possible. This was rather unexpected as I hadn’t heard from her in months. About three years earlier, my aunt and uncle had lost their only child. My cousin David was six years old when he drowned in a pond on the property that my aunt and uncle owned. It was a devastating blow to both of them. Some time after David’s death, they were divorced and my uncle moved away. But my aunt continued to live in the home they once shared. She hardly ever went out. And soon cut contact with all her friends and most of her family. In fact, I was the only family member with whom she had maintained regular contact. However, over the last six months or so, she had stopped calling me and wouldn’t respond to my calls and texts either. I texted her back asking if she was ok. I never received a reply. I had a strange feeling in the pi

My brother's imaginary friend

I was about twelve years old when this started, my brother was about six to seven. Like most kids, Keshav too had an imaginary friend. And like most kids with imaginary friends, he had given his a name, along with distinctive physical features. If I remember correctly, the friend’s name was Bosco. Bosco was short, pudgy and had a grey beard. My parents thought it was a bit strange that Keshav’s imaginary friend would be an adult man, but they didn’t dwell on it too much. Bosco quickly became a part of our daily routine. While getting ready for school, Keshav would insist that I needed to stop hogging the mirror as Bosco had to fix his hair and beard, at breakfast (and lunch and dinner) the chair next to Keshav was to be left unoccupied because that’s where Bosco would sit. My parents were just grateful that he didn’t ask for an extra platter to be prepared, as Bosco did not eat. He just wanted to sit there to keep Keshav company. Bosco would make his presence felt at school as we

I'm a demon, and my job is to help people

 I am a demon. And a very unusual one at that. You see, I was once a human being. But not a very good one. I lived a life of selfishness and malice. I scammed people, I cheated on my girlfriends after gaslighting them and preying on their insecurities, I shamed victims of abuse and assault. And on the whole took great pride in being an asshole of the highest order. So the powers that be decided to punish me by not letting me move on. I must exist as a demon, condemned to wander the Earth. The only way my condemnation will end is if I help people. I'm not entirely sure how many I'm supposed to help, but I've been told that I'll know when I've achieved my target. You may think that being able to live forever as a free spirit, travelling the world may be a blast, especially for a guy like me. But you’re wrong. I can go wherever I want, but I can hardly experience any worldly pleasures. I can’t taste food, I can’t feel the touch of a warm body or a cool breeze on

The stupid demon is ruining my life!

Ok, so let me start off by saying that I’m not like all the other girls who get scared and shit when they hear about ghosts and demons and stuff. I think the paranormal is like so kewl. So when Cindy and Sherry came over with the Ouija board, I was like totally do DTD (that means Down To Demon LOLZ). Anyway, we se up the board and the little thingie that moves over it in my room. We sat on the floor on my $3000 Persian rug. I don’t mind sitting on the floor like that. I’m just like so down to Earth, it’s unbelievable. Cindy started chanting some sort of mantra. It sounded Asian. I LOVE Asia. It’s like my favorite poor country. As Cindy rambled on and on in Asian, I took out my phone and took a selfie with the whole board in the background and posted it on insta. My 14241 followers would like totally freak! I commented how Cindy was chanting in Asian and how Sherry was setting up the pretty designer candles. They cost $30 dollars a piece. Stupid Sherry just had to cramp my style t

A Face In The Water

My family owned a cabin on the eastern side of the Tso Kar Lake in Leh, India. Summer vacations at the cabin, surrounded by the scenic beauty of the lake, the flora and the fauna in the shadow of the majestic Himalayas were an important part of my childhood. Sometimes, my friends would be allowed to accompany us and we’d have a blast playing by the water, spotting exotic birds and butterflies and the occasional Kiangs (large wild asses). Our days were spent happily engaging in the sort of frivolity that seems reserved for childhood. However, at night, my mind would often wonder. As children, we are imaginative beings and darkness can often lend a sinister flavor to our imagination, allowing the most innocent objects to be distorted into the most ghastly shapes. I would often lay awake in bed, often convinced that something was peeking in from the window. But with each passing year, I became less and less afraid. By the time I was 16, the fears I had as a little girl seemed ridiculo

How my dog found his previous owner

It started off as just another Sunday morning. I was out on my morning jog, running beside the tree line of the woods that flanked our neighborhood. I was enjoying nature’s beauty while working up a good sweat, when I heard what sounded like whimpers. I followed the sound to it’s source and found a dog, a yellow Labrador sitting under a tree. I knelt down to pet him and he nuzzled into my hand. He seemed somewhat relieved to see me. His tail wagged like crazy as I pet him. I noticed that he was dirty and looked quite malnourished. I wondered if he was had been kicked out by his owner or was just lost. After looking around for a while to see if his owner would show up, I decided to take him home. I gave him a bath and fed him some chicken, which he gobbled up. The poor thing must have been so hungry. The next day, I put up missing dog posters around the neighborhood. My own dog, Duke had died just the previous year and I could imagine what this dog’s human must be going through right