In the interest of fairness


Interviewer : Hello Ms Eye! Welcome to our show!

Ms Eye : Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Interviewer : So tell me.... why are you calling for the genocide of all Needles?

Ms Eye : Ummm... I'm not. Not at all. All I'm saying is that Needles should, at the very least, acknowledge the crimes committed by other Needles against Eyes. And acknowledge the fact that those inhumane crimes were committed simply because the victims were Eyes.

Interviewer : Hang on there, Ms Eye! You can't just label all Needles as genocidal. That's hate speech.

Ms Eye : That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm sorry if I haven't been clear. I'm saying that today's Needles should at least acknowledge the fact that Needles did horrible things to Eyes in the past. And even today many Needles continue to do so. We Eyes simply want an acknowledgement of our immeasurable suffering from our Needle friends. We only want our good Needle brothers and sisters to stand with us when we demand justice for all that we have suffered. That's it. And there are plenty of Needles who do stand with Eyes...

Interviewer : (interrupts) But Ms Eye, don't you think this will lead to hate crimes against Needles? I mean, you are pointing at the entire Needle community and calling them violent. And why should innocent Needles be held responsible for the acts of a few rogue ones? I think what you're saying is rather bigoted!

Ms Eye : OK. Let me ask you a question. Why is it that the world demands justice for Faces who have been slapped by Palms? If we apply your logic, doing so would lead to hate crimes against Palms.

Interviewer : (getting annoyed) Ms Eye, let me remind you that Faces were once enslaved by Palms! They suffered unimaginable cruelty! Please don't use them to justify your hatred against Needles.

Ms Eye : (takes a deep breath) Madam, that is not what I'm doing at all. If you pay attention to my words, you'll know that I haven't tried to fuel any kind of hatred. I'm merely pointing out to the double standards of people like you, who are more than willing to condemn the atrocities inflicted by Palms upon Faces. But at the same time you refuse to even discuss all the pain and suffering that Needles have caused Eyes.

Interviewer : Ms Eye, don't you think you, and others like you, should stop living in the past? There have been many conflicts throughout history. Are we all supposed to hate each other?

Ms Eye : I don't hate anyone. All I'm saying is that the suffering of Eyes deserves an acknowledgement.....

Interviewer : (talks over Ms Eye) I should remind you that Eyes are the majority community in EyeLand. As the majority, the onus of maintaining peace should be on the Eyes.

Ms Eye : Well, Faces were the majority in FaceLand. Yet, they were enslaved and brutalised by Palms. Just because we are in the majority does not mean that our pain doesn't matter! Just because we are in the majority does not mean that we don't suffer from generational trauma.

Interviewer : You know Needles have been discriminated against in other parts of the world. If you keep bringing up historical conflict between Eyes and Needles, then discrimination against Needles will only rise. And aren't Eyes supposed to be loving and accepting?

Ms Eye : Yes, we have always been accepting. Whosoever came to our land, we accepted them with open arms. But when Needles poked us and made us bleed, we were forced to fight back. I would like nothing more than for Eyes and Needles to live in harmony in EyeLand. But that's not going to happed unless and until today's Needles to stop glorifying the atrocities committed by Needles against Eyes in the past....

Interviewer : (interrupts) Ms Eye you're only using the past as an excuse to justify discrimination against Needles. How can you blame today's Needles for crime committed by Needles hundreds of years ago?

Ms Eye : Not at all! I do not blame them at all! I just don't understand why Needles in EyeLand today identify with those invading Needles who massacred our ancestors. And mind you, Eyes are still affected by the history of targeted violence against us. Just as Faces are affected by the history of cruelty against them. Why is it OK to acknowledge one and completely deny the other?

Interviewer : Well Ms Eye, we at Talking Points have always believed in equality and fairness. And we do hope that someday you will do the same. We hope you can become a better person and learn to spread love instead of hate...

Ms Eye : (speaks, but her mic is on mute)

Interviewer : (cheerfully) And that brings us to the end of this interview. Thank you once again for joining us Ms Eye. Viewers, please tune in next week! 


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